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Further Learning


  • A webinar tutorial hosted by the APA on using CRQA with a focus on cognitive science. Based on the paper: Knight, A. P., Kennedy, D. M., & McComb, S. A. (2016). Using recurrence analysis to examine group dynamics. Group Dynamics: Theory, Research, and Practice, 20, 223-241. It also gives a walkthrough of some of the code in R. Using Recurrence Analysis to Examine Group Dynamics
  • This is a video of a PowerPoint presentation introducing RQA, including theoretical background, definitions of RQA measures, and examples of using RQA in R. It is quite long (almost 60 minutes) and provides a bit more detail than necessary for getting started with RQA. Using Recurrence Analysis to Examine Group Dynamics

Applied papers

  • This paper provides a practical, hands-on introduction to cross-recurrence quantification analysis (CRQA), diagonal cross-recurrence profiles (DCRP), and multidimensional recurrence quantification analysis (MdRQA) in R. The paper provides readers with a conceptual introduction and a step-by-step explanation on how the analyses are performed in R with a summary of the current best practices of their application. Analyzing Multivariate Dynamics – A Tutorial in R

Useful Resources and Online Tutorials